Troubleshooting Xiaomi redmi Note 3

On this occasion Android Zone Troubleshooting Xiaomi redmi Note 3,
This time we will discuss about problem, of course, if we read the reviews redmi note 3 course we will feel well, because speisifikasi classmate iphone, with a design that is quite visible premium and relatively affordable price by our pockets course, many people will immediately glance to buy it, of course.

Well but not necessarily with a qualified specification does not come with the problem, of course all smartphones sophisticated expensive will experience problems, either because of an incorrect setting, or pemaikan which makes it problematic, and this time we will discuss about the problem redmi note 3 and how to overcome them certainly, and for my friends who have not read our review of the note 3 please read through the links below, and here is how to resolve problems that are common in redmi Xiaomi note 3,

Download from the play store must use the wifi or wi-fi

Of course we are confused usually why how when download play store must use wifi, and we can not use mobile data or Internet data or packets of data, and this will be a matter of course for us who do not have wi-fi connection.

How to overcome

Actually to overcome this way is quite easy, the way From the home screen we select tools -> download -> settings after the download limit Set to be unlimitied, we can see an example in the following figure.

Often the ads appear on redmi Xiaomi note 3
Well untu this problem we will usually irritated because ads often appear in note 3 redmi us, this usually also resulted in the use of data be quickly exhausted, obviously this is very detrimental to us.

How to overcome

Possible time we buy, we are given the ROM is not clear or the term version not original, and usually this type ROM contains a lot of bloatware indeed, nah peramasalahan to overcome this, we need to re-flash the note 3 redmi us.

Replacing the battery bar display

So for example, we are not familiar with the battery bar, we can also replace the battery or the battery indicator bar that used to be used

How to replace

How to replace the battery bar display or battrey redmi note 3 is as follows, go to Settings -> Additional Settings -> Battery & then select battrey performance indicator, and select according to the needs or habits, the picture can be seen below.

There is no 3G option only or 4G only

When we wanted signal or the signal is stable, then we are obliged to use 3G only setting or 4 G only depends on our location where, only suport 3g or 4g already, nah but when we want to change into a network that sometimes we are confused, how the options are there.

How to overcome

How to Resolve From the call / dial press * # * # 4636 # * # * there will be a column with the words gsm auto or lte / gsm auto, then kitascroll and find lte only (to lock 4g) or WCDMA only (to lock 3g).

Thus Tips and Tricks that we provide, do not forget to bookmark this website and wait for the latest update of Android Zone. see you later

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